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Conversion of Mass to Energy

Einstein's association of the term with a rest mass energy naturally led to a great deal of speculation about what might be done to convert mass into useable energy, since for a little mass you get a lot of energy! Let's see just how much: in S.I. units 1 J 1 kg-m2/s2 so a 1 kg mass has a rest mass energy of (1 kg) m/s J - i.e.


which is a lot of joules. To get an idea how many, remember that one watt is a unit of power equal to one joule per second, so a joule is the same thing as a watt-second. Therefore a device converting one millionth of a gram (1 µg) of mass to energy every second would release approximately 90 megawatts [millions of watts] of power!

Contrary to popular belief, the first conclusive demonstration of mass-energy conversion was in a controlled nuclear reactor. However, not long after came the more unpleasant manifestation of massenergy conversion: the fission bomb. An unpleasant subject, but one about which it behooves us to be knowledgeable. For this, we need a new energy unit, namely the kiloton [kt], referring to the energy released in the explosion of one thousand tons of TNT [trinitrotoluene], a common chemical high explosive. The basic conversion factor is

which, combined with Eq. (E=mc2.7), g ives a rest-mass equivalent of

That is, one kiloton's worth of energy is released in the conversion of 0.04658 grams [46.58 mg] of mass. Thus a megaton [equivalent to one million tons of TNT or kt] is released in the conversion of 46.58 grams of mass; and the largest thermonuclear device [bomb] ever detonated, about 100 megatons' worth, converted some 4.658 kg of mass directly into raw energy.

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Jess Brewer
Fri Sep 13 11:17:01 PDT 1996