Assignment #
Tue. 09 Jan. 2007 - finish by Tue. 23 Jan.
The first part of this assignment is not for credit,
but you'll probably be glad if you do it anyway!
We sure will.
Go to the 438 Homepage at and
- Browse.
Make sure you know what's there, how to get to it
and what it's good for (if anything).
Email if you have any questions.
- Make sure you can log in
on that site
and that there is one and only one entry for you
in the 438 People Database.
Your User ID and your initial password
are both set to your student number.
You may wish to change your password.1
Your Profile in the 438 People Database has fields for
all sorts of information about you, most of which are blank.
You may want to Update your Profile,
either to add/correct said information or to alter your privacy setting
(at the bottom of the Update form).
- Repeat the steps above for the
WebCT site2
(to which there is a link on the 438 Homepage).
This site is handy for certain things like Discussions,
tentative Marks and your own personal 438 Homepage
(if you'd like one); we may also use it for other things like
chat or whiteboard work; if you have an idea for
more creative uses of WebCT, please tell us about it.
- Send
us an Email containing a brief
description of who you are, what talents and skills you bring to
the 438 community, and what you hope to get out of the course.
Please send this to and and
from your own preferred Email address, so we will all know
how to contact each other in emergencies.
For the rest of the Assignment (and for all subsequent Assignments),
join a group of 3-5 students.
Please hand in one assignment per group
and list the names & Email addresses of all group members
at the top of each sheet.
In general, if you think some necessary information is missing,
make a reasonable assumption. But always write down
what that assumption is.
- Determine the mechanical power output3 for each team member4 walking up four flights of stairs
(four floors) in the Hebb building.
The height of one "floor" in the Hebb staircase is h = 7.28 m;
if you do the exercise anywhere else you must measure h.
By the definition of the mechanical efficiency
, we have
is the metabolic rate while walking up the stairs
and is the corresponding metabolic activity factor.
and for each team member.
What value should you take for ? Discuss this choice
and comment upon its validity in your written report.
- Estimate your uncertainty in this measurement.5 The largest possible value, , is found by
combining the largest likely value of your body mass,
M+,6 and the shortest possible time .
Similarly combine the lowest likely body mass M-
and the longest likely time
to find a value for .
A good estimate of the uncertainty in your experimental result
is thus
Express your answer for the power
in the form
W. (Always include units.)
- Determine
for each one of your team members
when running up the stairs.7
- Estimate the mass of the muscles
used for running up the stairs and give the power to mass ratio
of these muscles.8 Muscle mass () = muscle volume ()
times muscle density ().
Muscles have about the same density as water.
- Make a table including all your data showing
Name, M,
, ,
, ,
, and ,
including the uncertainty in each.
Explain your most significant sources of uncertainty.
- Make a log-log graph for each of , ,
and as functions of body mass M.
The TA will make a compound table for the whole class
to get statistical correlations.
A hummingbird weighing M = 3.9 g visits 1000 flowers daily
and thereby collects nectar with an energy content of
kcal [see R. Conniff 2000]9
- Take an average value of
What is the sugar and honey content of the nectar?
(Honey has about 14/15 of the heat of combustion of sugar.)
- Determine the metabolic rate of the little bird,
and estimate its mechanical power output P.
Assuming the metabolic rate function
is applicable,
determine the constant a in that rate function.
- Compare your calculated value of a with
the constant of the mouse to elephant curve
[Eq. (1.5) in the textbook]
and determine the ratio r=a/a0.
Should this ratio be equal to the activity factor b
calculated for the staircase run?
- What problems can you foresee for such a high metabolic rate?
- Calculate the specific metabolic rate
for the hummingbird
and for a 5-ton elephant.
Which animal makes better use of
the energy resources of the environment?
Giant hornets like to eat bee larvae and honey.
They are so strong that they can just invade a beehive
and kill the guards at the entrance
and get at their favourite food.
A certain strain of Japanese honey bees
has found a thermodynamic defence.
They can tolerate a temperature of C (F).
The hornets however can only stand C (F).
The bees have learned to raise their body temperature
to (F):
they humm while contracting and relaxing their flight muscles,
and only generate heat without producing external mechanical work
. . . and thereby steam the hornets in their own juice.
Take a specific muscle power of p = P/M = 150 W/kg.
The specific heat of tissue is close to that of water.
Assume that the bees normally have a body temperature of C
and that 10% of the body weight of a bee is muscle.
- How much heat energy must be generated by each bee
to reach the killing temperature?
- What is the heating power of each bee?
- How quickly do the bees reach the killing temperature?
Jess H. Brewer
Last modified: Sun Jan 7 13:31:38 PST 2007