Few issues in our uncomfortably complicated
high-tech modern world are so muddled as that of
radiation hazards. The confusion stems
partly from the emotionally charged politics
surrounding any subject associated with the word
"nuclear" - which in turn is the result of the
brutalizing terror of nuclear war that has infected
the psyches of several generations of Cold War veterans -
and partly from ignorance and misunderstanding of
what radiation does and how it can be harmful -
which in its own turn is the result of decades of
gleeful indulgence in the thrills of grade-B sci-fi
horror films. Moreover, most people seem quite
content with their fantasies and "good vs. evil"
decision-making strategies, so don't expect a deeper
understanding to enhance your popularity!
Nevertheless, knowledge is power and someone
has to know what's going on, so it looks like you're it.
Let me tell you what I can.1