starList of imporant abbreviations and relevant pages |
Abbreviation |
Explanation |
Page |
Analog-to-digital converter |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
AR |
Adiabatic Representation in three-body Coulomb problems |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
cl |
Confidence level in
fit |
various |
Del |
Delayed electron coincidence |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Del-e |
Delayed electron coincidence with electron scintillator |
, ![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Del-t |
Delayed electron coincidence with electron telescope |
, ![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
dof |
Degrees of freedom in
fit |
various |
DS |
Downstream target |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
(Measurement of) fusion yield in the downstream target |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Experimental vacuum space |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Full width at a half maximum of the Gaussian part of flat-top
Gaussian distribution |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Ge |
Germanium X-ray detector |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Scaler for the number of incident muons identified as ``good''
muons taking into account computer dead time and pile up |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
IA |
Improved Adiabatic approach |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Liquid hydrogen density |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
MC |
Monte Carlo simulation or code |
various |
Muonic Molecular Complex [
where x=p,d,t |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
(Measurement of) the downstream fusion with variable upstream
moderation layer thickness |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Yield for MOD |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Multi-wire proportional chamber |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
N1 |
NE213 neutron detector 1 |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
N2 |
NE213 neutron detector 2 |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
NE213 |
Liquid scintillating material |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
QAu |
Huff factor for muon capture on gold |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
RT |
Ramsauer-Townsend (effect) |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Rflat |
Radius of the flat part of flat-top
Gaussian distribution |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
SH |
Fraction of the muon stopping in the upstream hydrogen layer |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Muon stopping fraction obtained from absolute amplitude
method |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Muon stopping fraction obtained from absolute ratio method |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Reduced stopping fraction in the amplitude
ratio method |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
SE |
Scaling parameter for the
formation resonance energy |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Scaling parameter for the
formation rate |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Series A |
TOF run series with a tritium concentration  |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Series B |
TOF run series with a tritium concentration  |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Si1 |
Silicon charged particle detector located on the beam-left (looking
along the beam direction) |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Si2 |
Silicon charged particle detector located on the beam right |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Standard emission target |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
t0 |
Time of the muon entrance defined by T1 |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
T1 |
Beam defining plastic scintillator muon counter |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Tritium barrier space |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Time-to-digital converter |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Tel1 |
Electron telescope 1 |
, ![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Te12 |
Electron telescope 2 |
, ![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
T |
Target thickness measured in Torr
litre |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Time of flight |
various |
(Measurement of) yield in the time-of-flight measurement |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
(Measurement of) the time-of-flight spectrum |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
WF |
Effective fusion probability |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
US |
Upstream target. The upstream target
almost always
had 1000 T
layer with ct=0, 0.1, or 0.2%, so
sometimes US is just referred to the overlayer |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
(Measurement of) yield in the upstream overlayer target |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
molecular formation rate for
hyperfine states F |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
formation rate,
renormalized for the fusion probability |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Phenomenological parameter for an energy and Findependent
formation rate |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Si detector acceptance |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Density in units of liquid hydrogen atomic number density
cm-3 |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
MWPC resolution function parameter in the x axis |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
MWPC resolution function parameter in the y axis |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |
Represents deposition of an additional layer (overlayer) on top
of a emission layer |
![[*]](cross_ref_motif.gif) |